Vive at Eola in downtown Orlando Conceptual rendering
Vive at Eola in downtown Orlando Conceptual rendering

Vive at Eola, a new, multi-family apartment development planned for downtown Orlando, took additional steps towards becoming a reality last week in light of multiple residents expressing their support for the project.

During last week’s meeting of the Orlando Municipal Planning Board, city officials approved a proposed 13-story, 130-foot tall development to replace a single story office that currently sits at 205 S Eola Drive.

The proposed development will provide 144 dwelling units and ground floor retail, according to city records.

Along with 101 Eola Condominiums at 101 S. Eola Drive, the subject properties comprise the 201 Eola Planned Development. The 101 Eola Condominiums were constructed as Phase I of the existing development.

Multiple residents expressed their support for the proposed changes, which will bring 146 new dwelling units to the area.

“The mixed-use function of the building is perfect for residents and locals to have easy access to retail,” wrote resident David Godlewski in an email to city staff.

“This would be the first building in downtown Orlando with all efficiency units. This is a great opportunity to get more diverse housing into South Eola” said Dan Case in an email to city staff.

According to city records, Phase II was originally approved for 70 dwelling units, 7,040 square feet of ground floor commercial space, and approximately 120 parking spaces.

The history of the property dating back 100 years shows that it was platted into the Willmotts Plan subdivision in 1913. In 1945, the property was developed with the existing one-story office building.

Phase II of 205 Eola
Currently, a one-story office building is situated at the site (205 S Eola Drive)

In 2006, along with its sister property across the street, the properties were rezoned to allow for the construction of the 201 Eola PD.

The Orlando Municipal Planning Board makes recommendations that are considered by the Orlando City Council before a final decision is made during an upcoming meeting.