On March 23,2023, Ramon Jaime Perez, III, known to all as “Ray,” peacefully left this Earth and passed into the heavenly realm. Ray was born on December 15, 1977, and at the age of 45 years, an age of wisdom and youth, ended his year long fight with medical complications resulting from the failures of a damaged healthcare system and antiquated processes.
Ray is predeceased by his father, Ramon J. Perez, Jr. and his sister, Stephanie Summersill. He is survived by his mother, Dianne Perez, his sisters, Christina Perez and Marsha Summersill, and his nieces, and his numerous family members and fantastic friends. Ray is a person that truly cares for others. He holds your hand when your heart is heavy with despair or grief. He pulls your chin up when you feel flooded with self-doubt. He offers his support when all others have turned their backs on you in judgment for your vices. He brings light into a dark situation with his humor and kindness. Ray also will fight viciously for those he loves, and curse incessantly if you drive like a moron. He is quick to offer insight on a problem, problem and is obvious in his exasperation when you don’t listen. He is a man that accepts who you are. He does not turn away from you no matter your gender, identity, skin color, or religion. He will also go full “Rambo” on any situation where things look sketchy and someone is damn right shady. He can shoot a tic off a hound dog’s ass, and he loses patience when you don’t learn to load your own clips. Who is Ray to you? He is a lesson on how a friend, a brother, an uncle, a fiancĂ©, a son should be in life. Why is this obituary in present tense? Because life never really disappears, it transitions. I know Ray is reading this and probably rolling his eyes, and he also knows that the rest of us have a lot to live up to.
Ray’s service is scheduled for April 14, 2023 at 12pm (noon), at Highland Funeral Home, 3329 East Semoran Blvd., Apopka, FL 32703. Ray’s celebration of life will continue after the service at Three Odd Guys Brewery 48 East 5th Street, Apopka, FL 32703.