Household hazardous and electronic waste disposal

Orange County officials are hosting a recycling event for old electronics and household hazardous waste this weekend.

The recycling event will take place on Saturday, December 2, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at East River High School, which is located at 650 E. River Falcons Way in Orlando.

Hazardous household waste items includes paint and paint thinners, fluorescent lightbulbs, cooking oil, motor oil, antifreeze and brake fluid, household cleaning fluids, pool chemicals, pesticides, and propane tanks.

Electronic items accepted include computer monitors, televisions (one per household), telephones, cell phones, telephone systems, fax machines, central office equipment, rechargeable batteries, electronic circuit boards and components, stereo equipment, games, PDA’s, and printers.

For more information on acceptable items, visit the Electronic Waste and Textile Recycling webpage.